Solution based on a cable support system without any steel profiles in the south-north direction. The west and east walls are stabilized through small concrete cylinders integrated by a ground cable. South and north columns are anchored using bigger single pieces of concrete. The edge columns are fixed by two steel cables with tensioners.

APV_in20_APVc3 - Onshape public project

Size of the Project Field

A case study example of an arrangement of steel cables and 15 m long profiles on column tubes of 5 m hight.

West-East WIDTH of the field

4 walls of column tubes and beam profiles with a 15m distance

3x15 = 45 m

South-North LENGTH of the field

4 rows of column tubes connected by 15m long beam profiles

3x15 = 45 m

Rectangular AREA of the field

case study field with 4x4 columns from Jäkel-tubes

45 x 45 = 202

Bill of materials - CABLE SUPPORT


JB 1234 xyz
Jäkel Beam
1234 - walls
xyz - rows

50x50x2 mm
1490 cm long
4x3 pcs

steel hollow
square tube

3.74 cm²
178.8 m
67 dm³

3.02 kg/m
540 kg

JQ 1-4 xyz SN
Jäkel Quer
1234-w xyz-r

100x50x5 mm
2x100 cm across
4x3 pcs

steel hollow
rectangular tube

13.36 cm²
24 m
32 dm³

10.187 kg/m
245 kg

JC 1234 abcd
Jäkel Column
1234 - walls
abcd - lines

100x100x5 mm
430 cm high
2x4 + 2x2 pcs

steel hollow
square tube

18.36 cm²
51.6 m
95 dm³ 

13.969 kg/m
721 kg 

JJ 1234 sn
Jäkel Jäkel
1234 - walls
south + north

100x100x6 mm
70 cm high
4x2 pcs

steel hollow
square tube

21.63 cm²
5.6 m
12 dm³

16.493 kg/m
92 kg

JC 23 bc
Jäkel Column
2nd + 3rd walls
bc - lines

100x100x5 mm
142 cm high
2x2 pcs

steel hollow
square tube

18.36 cm²
5.7 m
10 dm³

13.969 kg/m
79 kg

LB 1234 xyz
L-angle Beam
1234 - walls
xyz - rows

50x50x3 mm
1490 cm long
4x3 pcs

steel angle
Alu 6060
aluminium angle

2.8 cm²
178.8 m
50 dm³

2.24 kg/m
401 kg
0.79 kg/m
141 kg

TDJC 1234 abcd
Tube Disk Jäkel
1234 - walls
abcd - lines

51.0x8.8 mm
50 cm high
2x4 + 2x2 pcs

11 353.0
steel hollow
circular tube

11.67 cm²
6 m
7.0 dm³

9.14 kg/m
55 kg

TDTC 23 bc
Tube Disk Tube
2nd + 3rd walls
bc - lines

38.0x7.1 mm
30 cm high
2x2 pcs

11 353.0
steel hollow
circular tube

0.8 dm³

5.40 kg/m
6.5 kg

Trip I-III xyz 1-6
Tube rope in pipe
I-III segm xyz rows
123456 - pipes

20.0x2.0 mm
1499 cm long
3x3x6 pcs
= 54

11 353.1
steel hollow
circular tube

1.13 cm²
809.5 m
91.5 dm³

0.888 kg/m
719 kg

TweFrip I-III xyz 1-6
Tube west+east Fix
ropeinpipe I-III seg
xyz rows 1-6 pipes

30.0x5.0 mm
2 cm long
2x3x3x6 pcs
= 108 pcs

11 353.1
steel hollow
circular tube

3.93 cm²
2.16 m
0.85 dm³

3.083 kg/m
6.7 kg

TGrip 1234 xyz 1-6
Tube Go thrue 
ropeinpipe 1-4 walls
xyz rows 1-6 pipes

30.0x5.0 mm
7 cm long
4x3x6 pcs
= 72 pcs 

11 353.1
steel hollow
circular tube

3.93 cm²
5.04 m
1.98 dm³

3.083 kg/m
15.5 kg

CFAU xyz 1-6 we
Cable Fixator Axis
Upper xyz - rows
1-6 lines west+east

40x12 mm
20 cm long
200x47x15 mm
2x3x6 pcs 

steel sheet

211 cm³/pcs
71 cm³/pcs
10 dm³

80 kg

CGAU xyz 1-6 we
Cable Gothrue Axis
Upper xyz - rows
1-6 lines west+east

40x12 mm
20 cm long
2x3x6 pcs   

steel bar

10.6 cm²
7.2 m
7.6 dm³

7.85 kg/dm³
60 kg

TC 23 bc
Tube Column
2nd + 3rd walls
bc - lines

44.5x3.2 mm
360 cm high
2x2 pcs

11 353.0
steel hollow
circular tube

4.15 cm²
14.4 m
6.0 dm³

3.25 kg/m
47 kg

APC 1234 sn ud
Axis Pulley Column
1234 - walls
sou+nor up+down

Ø 20 mm
12 cm long
2x2x4 pcs

steel bar

3.14 cm²
192 cm
603 cm³

2.47 kg/m
4.7 kg

DBC 1234 abcd
Disk Bottom Col
1234 - walls
abcd - lines

200 mm diam
2 cm high
2x4x4 pcs 

steel bar

20.1 dm³

246.62 kg/m
158 kg

DGP we sn
Disk Ground Pole
west + east
south + north

200 mm diam
5 cm high
2x2 pcs

steel bar

314 cm²
0.20 m
6.3 dm³

246.62 kg/m
49.3 kg

PGP we sn
Plate Ground Pole
west + east
south + north

400 mm diam
2 cm high
2x2x2 pcs

steel bar

1257 cm²
0.16 m
20.1 dm³

986.0 kg/m
158 kg

DAC 23 bc
Disk Assem Col
2nd + 3rd walls
bc - lines

150 mm diam
2 cm high
2x2 pcs

15 230.3
steel bar

177 cm²
0.08 m
1.4 dm³ 

138.72 kg/m
11.1 kg

PTJC 1234 abcd
Plate Top Jäkl Col
1234 - walls
abcd - lines

= 24 pcs

steel sheet

0.240 m²
5 mm
1.2 dm³

39.25 kg/m²
9.4 kg

PsnJB 1234 xyz
Plate Jäkel Beam
1-4 walls xyz rows

5x80x150 mm
= 24 pcs

steel sheet

0.288 m²
5 mm
1.4 dm³

39.25 kg/m²
11.3 kg

PsnJQ 1234 xyz
Plate Jäkel Quer
1-4 walls xyz rows

5x80x270 mm
= 24 pcs

steel sheet

0.518 m²
5 mm
2.6 dm³

39.25 kg/m²
20.3 kg

PVrip WE xyz 1-6
Plate Vpulley rope
in pipe West East
xyz rows 1-6 pipes

(65 + 70 + 65) x
5 x 60 mm
= 5x60x200 mm
2x3x6 = 36pcs

steel sheet

0.432 m²
5 mm
2.2 dm³

39.25 kg/m²
17.0 kg

PFrip 1-4 xyz 1-6
Plate Fixator rope
in pipe 1-4 walls
xyz rows 1-6 pipes

5x60 x (45+45)
= 5x60x90 mm
4x3x6 = 72pcs

steel sheet

0.389 m²
5 mm
1.9 dm³

39.25 kg/m²
15.3 kg

CGU we
Cable Ground
U-shape sheet
west + east

(960+140+960) x
10 x 150 mm
= 10x150x2060
1+1 pcs

steel sheet

0.618 m²
10 mm
6.2 dm³

78.5 kg/m²
49 kg

CGO we a-d 1-4sn
Cable Ground
O-shape sheet
a-d lines 1-4 walls

(40 + 1571 + 40) x
5 x 50 mm
= 5x50x1651 mm
2x4 + 2x4  pcs 

steel sheet

1.32 m²
5 mm
6.6 dm³

39.25 kg/m²
52 kg

CipD xyz 12 34 56
Cable in pipes
Double xyz rows
1+2 3+4 5+6 lines

2 x 257.5 - 50
+ 2 x 4518 cm
= 95 m long
3x3 pcs

7x19 INOX
rustproof steel

Ø 8 mm
855 m

0.22 kg/m
188 kg

Rip xyz 123456
Rope in pipes
xyz - rows
123456 - lines

3x15 + 2x0.25 m
= 45.5 m direct
= 47 m spiral
3x6 pcs

Timber 3.0
PE rope

Ø 3-4 mm
846 m

2.1 kg

CAU xyz 12 34 56
Cable Axis Upper
xyz - rows
1+2 3+4 5+6 lines

2 x 257.5 - 50
+ 2 x 4518 cm
= 95 m long
3x3 pcs

7x19 INOX
rustproof steel

Ø 8 mm
855 m

0.22 kg/m
188 kg

PAUw xyz 12 34 56
Pipe Axis Upper
west   xyz - rows
1+2 3+4 5+6 lines

20.0x2.0 mm
236 cm long
3x3 pcs

11 353.1
steel hollow
circular tube

1.13 cm²
21.2 m
2.4 dm³

0.888 kg/m
18.9 kg

PAUe xyz 12 34 56
Pipe Axis Upper
east xyz - rows
1+2 3+4 5+6 lines

14.0x3.3 mm
255 cm long
3x3 pcs

11 353.1
steel hollow
circular tube

1.03 cm²
23.0 m
2.4 dm³

0.814 kg/m
18.7 kg

CT UL xyz 12 34 56
Cabel Tensioner
Upper / Lower axis
xyz - rows double

M 12
560 kp
2x3x3 pcs

DIN 1480
cable tensioner

83 mm

0.4 kg/pcs
7.2 kg

CUL 1234
Cable Upper Lower
1234 - walls

2 x 4527 - 50
+ 2 x 61.9 cm
= 91.3 m long
4 pcs

6x19 Seale
galvanized steel

Ø 16 mm
365 m

1.05 kg/m
383 kg

CTUL 1234
Cable Tensioner
Upper + Lower axis
1234 - walls

M 20
1700 kp
4 pcs

DIN 1480
cable tensioner

132 mm

1.6 kg/pcs
6.4 kg

CSY we a-d sn 1-4
Cable Support Y-u
west+east a-d lines
sou+north 1-4 rows

427 cm long
2x2x4 pcs

7x19 INOX
rustproof steel

Ø 10 mm
68 m

0.38 kg/m
26.0 kg

CSX we a-d sn 1-4
Cable Support X-d
west+east a-d lines
sou+north 1-4 walls

212 cm long
2x2x4 pcs

6x19 FE
PVC coated
galvanized steel

ø 10 mm
34 m

0.4 kg/m
13.6 kg

CTXY we a-d sn 1-4
Cable Tensioner XY
west+east a-d lines
sou+north 1-4 walls

M 16
1100 kp
2x2x4 pcs

DIN 1480
cable tensioner

95 mm

1.0 kg/pcs
16.0 kg

CG we
Cable Ground
west + east

4600 + 248 cm
= 48.5 m long
2 pcs

6x19 FE
PVC coated
galvanized steel

ø 10 mm
97 m

0.4 kg/m
38.8 kg

CTG we
Cable Tensioner
west + east

M 16
1100 kp
2 pcs

DIN 1480
cable tensioner

95 mm

1.0 kg/pcs
2.0 kg

REinJB 1234 xyz ud
Rope Element in
Jäkl Beam 1-4 walls
xyz rows up+down

1490 cm long
4x3x2 pcs

Timber 3.0
PE rope

Ø 3-4 mm
358 m

0.89 kg

EinJB 1234 xyz 1-7
Element in Jäkl Beam
1234 - walls
xyz rows  1-7 elems

46x46 mm .. 1+7
44x44 mm .. 2-6
20 cm long
4x3x7 pcs

Plastics Density
PA block

1-7:  2.78 dm³
all:  33.4 dm³

1.14 kg/dm³
38 kg

FTJC 1234 abcd ud
Fixator Tube Jäkel
Column 1234 - walls
abcd lines up down

90x90 mm
2 cm high .. up
1 cm high .. down
2x4x4 pcs

Plastics Density
PA block

up: 162 cm³
do: 81 cm³ 
all: 3.89 dm³

1.14 kg/dm³
4.4 kg

GJCJ 1234 sn ud
Gothrue Jäkel
Col Jäkel
1234 - walls
sou+nor up+down

38x10 mm
12.6 cm long
2x2x4 pcs

Plastics Density
PA tube

8.80 cm²
2.02 m
1.77 dm³

1.14 kg/dm³
2.3 kg

GJC 1234 bc ud
Gothrue Jäkel
Col 1234
walls b+c lines
up + down

38x10 mm
12 cm long
2x2x4 pcs

Plastics Density
PA tube

8.80 cm²
1.92 m
1.69 dm³

1.14 kg/dm³
1.9 kg

PCC 1234 sn ud
Pulley Cable Col
1234 - walls
sou+nor up+down

70x25 mm
7 cm long
2x2x4 pcs

Plastics Density
PA tube

35.3 cm²
1.12 m
3.96 dm³

1.14 kg/dm³
4.5 kg

CPS sn we
Concrete Pole Supp
south + north
west + east

40x10 cm
250 cm long
2x2 pcs

Concrete Density
ordinary concrete
hollow tube

0.942 dm²
10 m
94.2 dm³

2.3 kg/dm³
217 kg

CCC we abcd
Cable Concrete
Cylinder west+east
abcd - lines

50x23.8 cm
50 cm long
2x4 pcs

Concrete Density
ordinary concrete
hollow cylinder

19.59 dm²
4 m
0.78 m³

2.3 kg/dm³
1802 kg

CCC 1234 sn
Cable Concrete
Cylinder  1-4 walls 
south + north

50x23.8 cm
200 cm long
2x4 pcs

Concrete Density
ordinary concrete
hollow cylinder

19.59 dm²
16 m
3.13 m³

2.3 kg/dm³
7209 kg

MATERIAL VOLUME 45x45 m² MASS 45x45 m² VOLUME 100x100 m² MASS 100x100 m²

11 353.0     

13.8 dm³

108.5 kg

68 dm³

536 kg

11 353.1     

99.1 dm³

778.8 kg

490 dm³

3846 kg

15 230.3     

1.4 dm³

11.1 kg

7 dm³

55 kg


84.6 dm³

673 kg

418 dm³

3324 kg


32.1 dm³

254.3 kg

159 dm³

1256 kg


216 dm³

1677 kg

1067 dm³

8281 kg


20.1 dm³

158 kg

99 dm³

780 kg


467 dm³

3661 kg

2.3 m³

18078 kg

6x19 FE     

131 m

52.4 kg

647 m

259 kg

6x19 Seale     

365 m

383 kg

1802 m

1891 kg

7x19 INOX     

1778 m

402 kg

8780 m

1985 kg

DIN 1480     


31.6 kg


156 kg

Timber 3.0     

1204 m

3 kg

5946 m

15 kg


3478 m

872 kg

17.2 km

4306 kg


4004 dm³

9228 kg

19.8 m³

45570 kg

Plastics PA

45 dm³

51 kg

221 dm³

252 kg

Comparison with APV-RESOLA Heggelbach DE - total used steel: 50t / 25x130m² ... 150 t / 100x100